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Monster Sarms

Testolone (RAD-140)

Testolone (RAD-140)

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Testolone , also known as RAD-140, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) designed to mimic the effects of testosterone. As with many SARMs, it is important to note that Testolone has not yet been approved for medical use and its use is subject to ongoing research. Here are some potential benefits attributed to Testolone:

  1. Muscle mass and strength: Testolone is often associated with increasing muscle mass and strength. It could increase protein synthesis in muscle tissue and promote muscle growth.

  2. Fat Loss: Like some other SARMs, Testolone can boost metabolism and potentially contribute to fat loss, especially when used in conjunction with appropriate diet and exercise.

  3. Improved Endurance: Some users report an increase in endurance and the ability to perform more intense workouts.

  4. Fast recovery: It can promote recovery after intense workouts, which can contribute to the ability to train more frequently and intensively.

  5. Improved bone health: There is some evidence that Testolone may have positive effects on bone health by increasing bone density.

However, it is important to emphasize that there is still a lot of uncertainty about the long-term effects and safety of using Testolone. In addition, side effects have been reported, including hormonal disruptions and possible liver toxicity. The use of SARMs can also lead to suppression of natural testosterone production, which takes time to recover after use.

In some cases, Testolone is being studied as a possible alternative to hormone therapy in men with low testosterone levels.

In general, the recommended dosage of Testolone for men is usually between 10 and 30 milligrams per day.

a follow-up treatment (PCT) to restore your own testosterone production is recommended, although the suppression is minimal compared to (AAS)

For men:

  • Beginners: not recommended Osterine is the better choice
  • Advanced: Up to 20 mg per day
  • because of the half-life you can also take up to 30 mg every 48 hours

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  • Welcome, Upcoming Monsters, to the Monster Sarms webshop. You are just 1 step away from huge gains, incredible confidence and power!!

  • SARMs fall into a legal gray area in many countries. For example, in the United States they are not approved for human use, and their sale is prohibited for dietary supplements. That said, it makes it difficult to have a payment option via iDeal or Credit Card, but I have 3 payment options available for you.

  • Make a bank transfer after you place the order. Put the order number you receive in your email in the description when you carry out the bank transaction, then select that option on the checkout page.

  • Ask me for a bank payment link via text or WhatsApp. You can select that option on the checkout page. or the WhatsApp button at the bottom right of the page

  • You can pay with any cryptocurrency you prefer with Now Payments, select that option on the checkout page.

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help you, and if necessary I can guide you in your research process!

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